

What are the different types of dentures ?

The first type of dentures are complete dentures. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing and can be either be "conventional" or "immediate." Made after the teeth have been removed and the gum tissue has begun to heal, a conventional denture is ready for placement in the mouth about eight to 12 weeks after the teeth have been removed. Immediate dentures on the other hand are made in advance and can be positioned as soon as the teeth are removed. As a result, the wearer does not have to be without teeth during the healing period. However, bones and gums shrink over time, especially during the healing period following tooth removal. Therefore a disadvantage of immediate dentures compared with conventional dentures is that they require more adjustments to fit properly during the healing process and generally should only be considered a temporary solution until conventional dentures can be made.
The other type of dentures are a partial denture or bridge which consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum-colored plastic base, which is connected by an all acrylic or metal framework that holds the denture in place in the mouth. Partial dentures are used when one or more natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. A fixed (permanent) bridge replaces one or more teeth by placing crowns on the teeth on either side of the space and attaching artificial teeth to them. This "bridge" is then cemented into place. Not only does a partial denture fill in the spaces created by missing teeth, it prevents other teeth from changing position. A precision partial denture is removable and has internal attachments rather than clasps that attach to the adjacent crowns. This is a more natural-looking appliance.

Are there alternatives to Dentures ?

Yes, dental implants can be used to support permanently cemented bridges, eliminating the need for a denture. The cost is usually greater, but the implants and bridges more closely resemble the feel of real teeth. Dental implants are becoming the alternative to dentures but not everyone is a candidate for implants. Consult your dentist for advice.

Does Insurance Cover the Cost of Dentures ?

Most dental insurance providers cover some or all of the cost of dentures. However, contact your company to find out the specifics of what they will cover.

If Its Decided that I need Dentures what can I expect ?

The denture development process takes about three to six weeks and several appointments. Once your dentist or prosthodontist (a dentist who specializes in the restoration and replacement of teeth) determines what type of appliance is best for you, the general steps are to:
  • Make a series of impressions of your jaw and take measurements of how your jaws relate to one another and how much space is between them.
  • Create models, wax forms, and/or plastic patterns in the exact shape and position of the denture to be made. You will "try in" this model several times and the denture will be assessed for color, shape, and fit before the final denture is cast.
  • Cast a final denture.
  • Adjustments will be made as necessary.

About Dr. Thanos

Specialising in Pediatric Dentistry.

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Dr. Thanos was born in Athens, Greece. His first visit to the United States was in 1964 when he was invited as an American Field Service Exchange Student. He went on to attend Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania as a Fulbright Scholar, one of the highest academic honors a student can earn.

In 1971, Dr. Thanos received his dental degree from the University of Athens, Greece. For the next two years he continued advanced studies at the University of London, England where he specialized in pediatric dentistry at the Eastman Dental Hospital. In 1973, Dr. Thanos was a postdoctoral scholar at the UCLA School of Dentistry where he furthered his studies in biomaterials science and pediatric dentistry. He completed his fellowship and received certificates in both pediatric dentistry and cranio-facial genetics at UCLA Harbor Hospital.

In 1977, Dr. Thanos joined the faculty of the University of Southern California School of Dentistry. He served as a chairman of the department of Advanced Pediatric Dentistry from 1979 to 1985. During that period, he initiated the Specialized Clinic of Esthetic Dentistry where he served as director until 1992.

Dr. Thanos is not only a gifted dentist, he is also a respected scientist in his field and has published numerous research monographs. He is considered a pioneer in the field of esthetic dentistry. He has been participating in the Torrance community for over thirty years.

About Dr. Dalis

Specialising in General and Cosmetic Dentistry.

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Dr. Dalis is a lifelong South Bay resident, having grown up in Torrance, with strong ties to the community. He attended the University of Southern California where he earned his undergraduate degree in exercise physiology. Upon graduation, he attended the USC School of Dentistry where he was awarded his certificate.

Dr. Dalis is trained in all aspects of dentistry including all the latest cosmetic treatments, implants, endodontics, and the utilization of digital X Ray technology. He is an active member of the American Dental Association, the California Dental Association and the Western Los Angeles Dental Society. Dr. Dalis' frequent attendance of continuing education courses keeps him up to date on all the latest topics and procedures in the field of dentistry and oral care.

Dr. Dalis has lectured for the American Cancer Society in the areas of oral cancer and tobacco cessation. In addition, he served on the scientific health and advisory board of Redondo Union High School. In his free time, he enjoys relaxing, playing beach volleyball, hiking, and has a love for music, movies and travel.

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